Green Oak Floors
{Promotional Video}
Here’s a promotional video we created for Chris Kacik of Green Oak Floors with Create Brand Consultants.
This was a really interesting project to work on. We had to create a video which created trust and confidence in Chris, as well as revealing his very real likability. We worked with Owen Barry and the team at Create to develop the concept and script, and importantly; the right mood. You can see the results for yourself.
We’re very proud of this video, and pleased that both Owen and Chris had us on board, and they themselves were such a joy to work with. We’re looking forward to working on more projects of this nature.
Chris’ new website is now online, you can find it here: greenoakfloors.com He is certainly the man to call if you need to get bespoke flooring done. His work is nothing short of masterly.
The team at Create put together Chris’ new site and his overall branding. They really dedicate themselves to every project and work hard to discover what will work best for a branding, and I think they have done an outstanding job for Chris and Green Oak Floors. You can check out their site here: Create.ie