Tanya’s Gold Blend
Episode #3
Carolyn Cahill
Onwards and upwards, and here is episode #3 of Tanya’s Gold Blend!
After the bedlam of the last episode, Tanya reigns it in a little this time and produces something a little simpler and more intimate. She hooked up with an old song writing partner of hers, the talented and stunning Carolyn Cahill. The pair perform and original track called ‘Reason’.
Even though this is the third episode, this was actually the first Gold Blend that we ever shot! We didn’t know what we were getting ourselves into then or how big the project was going to grow; and that we where going to be working with so many interesting and talented people along the way.
If you haven’t heard Carolyn’s singing yet, you’re in for a treat! Sit back and enjoy.
Additionally, we’ve got some fun out-takes from the two of them:
Please subscribe to the YouTube channel to hear about the upcoming episodes (and other videos!).
“Tanya’s Gold Blend — A bi-monthly web series will feature different known and unknown Irish artists jamming together at different locations around Ireland.”
Tanya O’Callaghan: http://www.tanyaocallaghan.com/
Carolyn Cahill’s Music/Fashion Blog: http://www.stereovelvet.com/