by John Hennessy | Jun 4, 2014 | Behind The Scenes, Festival, Film Festivals, Filmmaking, Promotional Video, Short Film, Video Production Dublin
Here’s the teaser trailer for our new short ‘Stifle’.
It’s a 7 minute urban thriller, written and directed by myself, with Lucy FX Jones taking care of the Cinematography. The film stars Susan Barrett and Alan Sherlock, and wait until you see what they’ve done. Both delivered really stunning performances!!
Full details of the project, including movie poster, cast and crew info and behind the scenes photos are available at
Teaser Trailer
by John Hennessy | Sep 24, 2012 | Film Festivals, Filmmaking, He Moved Through The Fair, Short Film, Short Film Award
We are proud to announce He Moved Through The Fair has won ‘Best Short Film’ at this year’s Underground Film Festival in Dun Laoghaire. What an incredible boost for the cast and crew. Many thanks to the Festival Organisers for the honour!

For this year’s festival winners, check out:
For more about the Underground Cinema’s Film Festival check out:
And an article about the festival @ Horror Cult Films:

Be sure to keep an eye on for future screenings, updates & news about the film.
by John Hennessy | Jul 17, 2012 | Film Festivals, Filmmaking, He Moved Through The Fair, Short Film
I am proud and excited to announce our new short film ‘He Moved Through The Fair’s’ successful screening at this year’s Galway Film Fleadh. The Film was shown to a packed house on Friday the 13th as part of the shorts programming and it seems to have gone down a treat!
We’re really chuffed to be showcased among such creative talents as all the shorts screened were of a very high calibre, and most were worthy of high praise. We spent most of the week at the Fleadh attending the myriad masterclasses and events and networking where we could. Truly a memorable and juicy experience to say the least.
With any luck this will be the first of many successful festival screenings to come. Keep an eye on for further updates.
Article title coined tonight by the resplendent Thomas Byrne.